Purpose and Principle
The purpose of the Honor Code at Misr Language Schools is to ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn and to be assessed in academically honest surroundings.
The MLS Honor Code rests upon the following principles:
- MLS students, faculty, and administrators possess personal integrity as demonstrated by the five bedrock values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility.
- MLS students believe it is dishonorable to receive credit for work that is not the result of their own efforts.
- MLS students, faculty, and administrators are jointly responsible for precautions against violations of its policies.
- Students, faculty, parents and administrators are responsible for seeing that the code is followed. By collaboratively encouraging an atmosphere of honesty and hard work, students, faculty, and administration serve the student body of MLS by making it a better place to learn.
Students Responsibilities
- Each student shall be responsible for abiding by the Academic Honor Code at all times. At the conclusion of each major examination or submission of a major assignment, each student shall sign a pledge that he or she has neither given nor received aid from any unauthorized source during the examination or in preparing the assignment.
- A student or any other member of the learning community (including the violator) who has knowledge of an honor code violation is expected to report the violation to the teacher involved. Confidentiality will be maintained.
- The student will be informed when a teacher believes she/he has violated the Academic Honor Code. The teacher will discuss the matter with the student. The student and teacher may resolve the problem in a manner acceptable to both. The agreement involving an academic penalty shall be put in writing, signed by both parties concerned, and reported to the Head of Department and administration. The student shall not be further penalized based on this report alone. If the Honor Council believes that there are inconsistencies in the implementation of the consequences, the Council will inform the administration.
- If a satisfactory resolution is not reached between the student and teacher, the student and/or teacher shall refer the matter to the Honor Council.
- Each student is responsible for informing his parents of an alleged or actual infraction of the Honor Code within 48
Faculty Responsibilities
- Teachers will require students to sign a pledge at the conclusion of each major assessment stating that they have neither given nor received aid from any unauthorized source during the assessment.
- A teacher may further define acts in writing which shall constitute a violation of the Academic Honor Code. The definition shall be explained to each class and shall be effective thereafter for that class.
- When a teacher believes that a student has violated the Academic Honor Code, the teacher will discuss the matter with the student. The teacher and student may resolve the problem in a manner acceptable to both. The agreement involving an academic penalty shall be put in writing, signed by both parties concerned, and reported to the Head of Department and administration. The student shall not be further penalized based on this report alone. If the Honor Council believes that there are inconsistencies in the implementation of the consequences, the Council will inform the administration.
- Teachers will discuss the alleged or actual infraction of the Honor Code with the student’s parents after the 48 hour period given to students so they may inform their parents.
- If a satisfactory resolution is not reached between the teacher and student, the teacher and/or student shall refer the matter to the Honor Council.
Honor Council
In the event of a problem, the Honor Council, which is formed of a faculty member (teacher) and an administration officer (Headmistress/Headmaster), will instantly look into the matter. The primary purpose of the Honor Council is to investigate in a confidential environment, suspected and actual violations of the Honor Code and make recommendations to school head administration officer (Principal). The recommendation shall state the student’s innocence or guilt and the appropriate academic and/or disciplinary penalties, if any. The student shall have no penalty imposed until the principal has made his/her decision. Should no resolution be made before the end of the term, the teacher shall record an incomplete grade until a final decision is made.
One Honor Council designee is responsible for reporting the recommendation to the administration.
Violations of the Academic Honor Code
- Regarding academic assignments, violations of the Academic Honor Code shall include representing another’s work or any part thereof, published or unpublished as one’s own. Plagiarism includes failure to use quotation marks or other conventional markings around material quoted from any source.
- Violations of the Academic Honor Code shall include obtaining, distributing, or referring to a copy of an examination, which the instructor/department has not authorized to be made available for such purpose.
- Violations of the Academic Honor Code shall include any act that impedes the ability of other students to have fair access to materials assigned or suggested by the instructor. For example, unauthorized removal or destruction of library or other source materials violates the Academic Honor Code.
- Academic dishonesty shall include tampering with another student’s work or impairing in any way the instructor’s ability to assess the academic performance of another student.
- During examinations, violations of the Academic Honor Code shall include referring to information not specifically condoned by the teacher. It shall further include receiving information from a fellow student or another unauthorized source.
- Violations of the Academic Honor Code shall include alteration of grades or any other records related to the academic performance of students.
- Violations of the Academic Honor Code shall include assisting, attempting to assist, or conspiring to assist another student in committing the offenses as outlined above.
- Violations of the Academic Honor Code shall include attempting to commit any offense as outlined above.
- Other violations of academic dishonesty as outlined by individual teachers.
Consequences of violations
Examples of academic penalties include, but are not limited to, one or a combination of the following
- Additional work to provide evidence of the student’s academic performance, and/or evidence that the student knows and understands the course material, or
- A lower or failing grade or score on the assignment or examination, or
- A lower or failing grade in the course.
Depending on the severity of the infraction, the following are the possible disciplinary penalties for violation of the Academic Honor Code, which may be imposed singularly or in any combination. Repeat offenders may expect more severe consequences.
Reprimand: A written statement from MLS Honor Council expressing disapproval of conduct.
Suspension: A separation from the school for a specific period of time, not to exceed five days. During the period of suspension, the student is excluded from classes and all other MLS privileges or activities. At the conclusion of the period of suspension, the student will be permitted to return to MLS on a probationary basis.
Dismissal: As indefinite separation from the school. In order to be readmitted, a student will be permitted to return to school on a probationary basis.
Nothing in this system shall exclude the imposition of any other reasonable sanctions or combination of sanctions. No permanent record of academic dishonesty is entered into a student’s permanent file. If a student receives the penalty of failure in the course, for example, an “F” only is recorded on the student’s transcript- no notation of academic dishonesty appears.
As a general guideline, it is expected that students will act in a responsible manner and will exhibit courtesy towards their fellow classmates, teachers, and other staff members. Students should respect the private property of other people, school property, and should help maintain the cleanliness of the campus.
Open communication is also important. It is difficult, sometimes, to talk plainly and openly. However, as we strive for adult relationships within the school, it is important to take the step of direct communication. Parents, faculty, administrators, and students are encouraged to take problems directly to the source.
MLS prides itself on the positive relationships it has between faculty, administration, and students. However, as in all relationships, problems will sometimes arise. Students with problems in specific classes should consider the following:
- If you feel you can, talk to your teacher and tell him or her exactly what your problem is, and what you feel will help resolve it. Your teachers want to know how you feel.
- If you are uncomfortable talking with your teacher one-to-one, ask one of the counselors to facilitate communication. They will help to clarify things between you and your teacher.
- It is also good to involve your parents. Your parents are welcome and encouraged to come to school and meet your teachers.
- If you have spoken with the person with whom you are having a problem, as well as a counselor, and the problem still is not resolved, then the principal will become involved to ensure that school policies and procedures are correctly followed. The chart on the next page offers a visual image of our basic interventions when students do not meet MLS expectations for behavior. We call it a safety net because the aim is to intervene before a situation becomes harmful to the
student or the school. Our goal is to “catch” the student in the safety net before any serious damage is done.
Behavior Expectations
Students are to follow the three core values outlined in our school’s mission statement: respect, responsibility and integrity. Students are also to follow the five values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility.
In terms of accountability, students must be prepared and ready to learn, and represent Misr Language Schools at all times. In terms of respect, students must respect school property, facilities, and people’s belongings, respect children and teachers and their opinions and contributions, and accept instructions from all faculty and staff. To be considerate, students must use proper language, listen without interruption, and be considerate and appreciate volunteers and visitors on campus. Finally, in terms of honesty, students must be honest at all times, and do their own work.
Definitions of Responsibilities
- Attend school regularly.
- Be on time to school and to all classes.
- Bring required materials to class each day.
- Complete Class work and Homework on time.
- Respect and protect the rights of teachers, students, administration, and everyone else involved in the educational process.
- Be aware of all Rules and Regulations of the school and abide by them.
- Use appropriate language.
- Take pride in your school (keep campus free of litter and respect the value of school property)
- Instill in your child a desire to learn.
- Guide your child to develop acceptable behavior that includes control and accountability for his/her actions.
- Know, understand and support the rules your child is expected to follow.
- Be sure your child is in school regularly and on time.
- Communicate with the school in a regular and positive manner.
- At all times act as a role model to students.
- Be fair, consistent and unbiased at all times.
- Be clear in explaining your rules to students with clear description of consequence.
- Be willing to listen and assess situations keeping the best benefit of the student in mind.
Offences and Disciplinary Consequences:
- Effective discipline is fundamental to a good educational program. Certainly the most effective discipline is self-discipline, and the primary goal of the school is to nurture this concept.
- Discipline should be conceived as setting of limits within which a student is free to make choices.
- These limits change according to the student’s ability to exercise self-discipline.
MLS has a philosophy of Progressive Discipline. Progressive Discipline means that, when negative behavior is repeated, the consequence for that behavior increases either in intensity or quantity.
Students who sell, purchase, possess, consume or are under the influence of drugs, alcohol or any controlled substance.
Consequence: Expulsion
Students who possess or are caught smoking cigarettes
- Suspension for 2 days + informing parent.
- Suspension for 4 days + informing parent
- Expulsion warning + parent signs warning note.
- Expulsion
Stealing, attempt to steal or unauthorized borrowing, including taking materials out of the library without following correct procedures, and taking items from lockers or students bags.
- Student will return / compensate stolen item(s) + long term suspension + counseling for student (if parent proves that student is taking counseling then student will not face expulsion)
- Expulsion
Is any intentional destruction or defacing of school property. Consequence:
- Restitution is mandatory
- Parent meeting and further disciplinary consequence if the offence is repeated.
- Excessive vandalism will face serious disciplinary consequence and expulsion if needed
AGGRESSION, INTIMIDATION AND CYBERBULLYING (Inappropriate Verbal language, Physical assault or Cyber bullying,)
Consequence of: Inappropriate Verbal language
- 1st warning: parents will be informed
- Break detention
- After school detention
- Short/ long term Suspension
Physical and Cyber bullying
- Investigation will take place by staff members. Depending on the severity of the case, punishment will vary from detention to suspension.
- Repeated behavior can lead to expulsion.
- There will be 4 minutes passing time, and then the tardy bell will ring.
- Students who are tardy 3 times will go to study hall during break for 5 days. Students will need to have a signed “on-time sheet” for over 5 consecutive school days in order to be released from study hall.
Note that if a student is repeatedly tardy and this behavior affects his/her academic performance negatively, then he/she will be liable to severe consequences such as probation or expulsion.
- Students need to attend at least 85% of the year. A ceiling of 15% is permissible for absences.
- Students who are absent 5 days in one quarter will receive a warning and parents will be called in for a school meeting to sign a letter of understanding.
- Once the student surpasses the allotted 15% permissible absence ceiling, then the student will fail the course(s) and will attend summer school for the course(s) with the highest number of absences. Only core curriculum subjects will be given during summer school.
- In order for an absence to be considered excused, parents are to send a note to administration explaining the absence. The note will be considered.
- In the case of an absence due to illness, an official doctor’s note will be needed and is to be received no later than 2 days upon the student’s return.
- Students with excused absences may make up homework.
Excused absences will not be permissible if the student has numerous unexcused absences.
If a parent wants their son/daughter to leave school early, then the parent must pick them up personally. Students will not be released to drivers.
All students should wear the proper uniform consisting of:
a) Polo shirt (red or blue) with MLS logo;
b) Navy blue pants;
c) Sweatshirt with MLS logo;
d) Footwear such as sports shoes. Flip-flops and clogs are not allowed.
The consequence of not wearing the proper uniform:
1. warning
2. break detention
3. sent home
If students were not able to find a uniform of suitable size due to unavailability, then they must take a written note from the uniform shop stating
- Stud earrings (only one per earring) are allowed. Body piercing, necklaces, bracelets and rings are not allowed.
- Jewelry will be confiscated and can only be returned to parents by the Administration office.
No make-up of any sort is allowed
- Mobiles are to be switched off before the student enters the school campus.
- If the phone rings on campus, or if the student is seen using it, then:
1. The phone will be confiscated the first time and only the parent can reclaim it personally.
2. The phone will be confiscated and not returned.
- Parents who want to contact their child during school hours are to call the school’s number.
- Other Devices such as the above mentioned gadgets are not allowed during class. They may only be used during break time or on the bus.
- Devices used during class time will be confiscated and returned to parents exclusively after a week
- MLS is not responsible for the loss, stolen and damaged electronic device(s)
Not allowed.
- The school is not responsible for loss of money or damaged personal items.
- Large sums of money are not allowed on campus.
- Not allowed unless Administration previously approves
- Food may be sold only one day per week, if needed and after school’s approval
Gum is not allowed on school campus.
- No food or drinks are allowed in the class. Only water is permissible.
- Floor attendants may only sell bottled water. Any other beverage or snack is not allowed.
- If a student is spotted littering at any time, they will spend a full break time collecting garbage under supervision.
If a student misbehaves in the school bus, then the following will occur:
1. The student will receive a warning;
2. The student will lose bus privilege for a certain number of days;
3. The student will lose total privilege with no refund.
- A lost & found box will be placed in the HS Administration Office.
- Items that are not reclaimed will be on display for parents during the quarterly Parent-Teacher conference.
- Items not claimed during the Parent-Teacher conference will be given to charity.
- Students who want to visit the doctor’s office are to be provided with a Hall Slip and sent to the HS Administration office.
- If the need is legitimate, Administration will issue a Doctor’s Note to the student.
- New locker deposits will be collected this year.
- Lockers may be searched at any time.
- Penalty ranges from detention to suspension.
- Such offenses lead to disciplinary actions ranging from Detention to Suspension, depending on the degree of offense.
All punishments will be determined by the Headmaster and Deputy and other members of staff involved after a thorough study of the situation.
- Parents will be notified of their child’s misbehavior, detention, suspension, or any other disciplinary issues.
- Parents will be called in for a meeting when needed.
Students are responsible for understanding the Academic Honor Code and its implementation at Misr Language Schools. The students, parents, faculty, and administrators of Misr Language Schools believe that living under the guidance of the Honor Code contributes to the success of all MLS students. Each student admitted to MLS is subject to the tenets of the Honor Code. The principles on which the Honor Code rest serve as the foundation for a lifetime code of ethics.
MLS students are expected to conduct themselves in such a manner as to be a credit to MLS, the community – and most importantly, to themselves.