American Schools


Early Literacy Program

The most important long-term goal of early literacy experiences is to help children become successful readers and writers. Learning to read and write is one of the most important achievements for life. Ensuring that all children reach this achievement is the responsibility of parents, communities, and educators. (Missouri DESE, 2002).


The MLS American Elementary Early Literacy Program monitors the reading readiness and development of Kindergarten to Grade 2 students. The goal of the Early Literacy program is to ensure that students can read at grade level when exiting G2.


This program uses standardized early literacy assessments that measure the fundamental components of literacy, and are designed as a screening, diagnostic, and progress monitoring system for students in Kindergarten through Grade 2. Assessments are conducted three times a year in Fall (Oct.), Winter (Feb.), and Spring (June). Each grade level has its own requirements for administering certain components of the Early Literacy assessment. These requirements are referenced in the assessment schedule and translation chart.

KG Student Handbook

I used to be little, but not any more,

Food Options

Each day your child should bring enough healthy snacks, water, and juice to last the whole day. Here are a few suggestions that can help you put together a Healthy snacks, water, and juice to last the whole day.
Here are a few suggestions
  • cheese and crackers
  • fruit
  • raw vegetables
  • rice cakes
  • bread-sticks
  • small sandwiches
  • muffins
  • popcorn
  • water (and lots of it!)
  • yoghurt
  • nuts
  • peanut-butter
  • oatmeal
  • eggs
  • banana oats cookies
  • turkey & cheese
  • sweet potato
  • cheese salad
  • pastries
  • halawa
  • jam
Please do not send
  • candy
  • chocolates
  • chips
  • gum
  • soda (fizzy drinks)
  • glass bottles of juice